About us

About us

As a publishing house, HospitalityInside is a specialist information network that delivers high-quality content and contacts for top management in the international hospitality industry through its online magazine, think tank and networking events. Online as well as offline, based in Augsburg/Germany, but internationally oriented. With trade journalists, experts and reliable sources.

The 5 Questions: When? Where? What? Who? How?

You find the answer in the online magazine.


  • reports reliably and independently
  • is ad-free
  • publishes weekly in German and English (1:1)
  • selects current and relevant information
  • provides market and background information based on journalistic research
  • is a paid content model with annual subscriptions as well as free content selected by the editorial team and by selected partners
  • addresses decision makers from general managers to executives (C-level) and industry experts
  • has a geographical focus on continental Europe - but also keeps an eye on international hotel chains, global trends and developments.

Founded in 2005 in Augsburg, hospitalityInside.com has developed into an insider platform and magazine is a respected opinion leader in the industry.


Our readers in around 20 countries include CEOs, managing directors/board members, area managers, general managers, investors, owners, banks, funds, project developers, architects, designers, sustainability and digital experts, international hotel groups as well as renowned private hotels.

The values of HospitalityInside.

The goal of hospitalityInside.com is to be and remain a fair, creative and at the same time constructively critical partner for the industry and to make its network available to like-minded people within the industry.

Learn more about our journalistic values and get to know the editorial team…

The hospitality community is growing

Connecting people is part of the DNA of the hotel industry as well as HospitalityInside. The publishing house has built up a high-quality range of events and networks - some of them exclusive and always based on personal communication, tailor-made partnerships and an uncompromising focus on quality.

Where the community meets.
  • At HospitalityInside's own events and in-depth workshops – such as the HITT Think Tank, the industry's thought-leadership event in sustainability...
  • At international hotel conferences, trade fairs and events – such as Expo Real, Europe's largest business fair for real estate and investments...
  • At selected partner events, sometimes linked to media partnerships...
The future needs followers.

Communicating good ideas and sustainable solutions together.

With the support of content partners, we provide information from reliable sources on the public pages of HospitalityInside about...

  • ideas and concepts
  • sustainable solutions
  • initiatives and market participants
  • cooperation opportunities
  • news from the industry

The central source of information for you is the Marketplace on hospitalityInside.com, designed as a cross-industry, professional presentation platform of companies and their ideas/solutions.

Subscribers, trade fair partners and market participants thus benefit from diverse synergies and interfaces.

The HI story

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