LFPI Hotels Management

LFPI Hotels Management

Co-Exhibitor at Expo Real 2024

Logo LFPI Hospitality Group
Logo / © LFPI Hospitality Group


LFPI HOTELS MANAGEMENT DEUTSCHLAND: LFPI Group is one of the premier independent multi-strategy alternative asset managers in Europe with more than 28 billion Euros of assets under management. We invest in private equity (primary, secondary, co-investments, and funds), private debt (unitranche, mezzanine, senior), real estate (from core to opportunistic in both equity and debt) as well as asset management (fixed income and equity) in Europe, North America and Africa across seven offices and approximately 70 investment professionals with a long-term and prudent investment strategy.

With respect to hotels, we are both owners and operators in France and Germany with more than 70 hotels across the portfolio. The French portfolio of 53 budget hotels is primarily marketed under the Timhotel brand as well as other franchise brands such as Louvre Hotels Group. The German portfolio of currently 18 hotels are operated by LFPI Hotels Management Deutschland: four Ibis hotels in Aachen, Erfurt, Dortmund and Augsburg, two Ibis Styles in Hamburg and Speyer, five Mercure in Berlin, Dusseldorf, Lübeck, Mainz and Stuttgart-Zuffenhausen, two Best Western Hotels in Bremen and Berlin, the Holiday Inn Dresden, the Hotel Indigo in Dusseldorf, the Schlosshotel Karlsruhe, the Steigenberger Hotel Bielefelder Hof in Bielefeld and the Hopper Hotel St. Josef in Cologne.

2018 all hotel activities in Europe have been pooled under LFPI’s new holding FLE Hotels based in Luxemburg. In Europe, we are looking to ramp-up to approximately 30 hotels over the next three to five years as owners and/or operators.

Besides the owner & operator model LFPI Hotels positions itself in the future as a pure operator for external owners. We focus on midscale city hotels in both primary and secondary city centre areas (approx. 60 to 200 rooms). Generally operated by LFPI Hotels Management and marketed via franchise partnerships, certain leases can be taken over with short residual terms. Acquiring hotels in Germany and Central Europe will allow for positive growth of the LFPI portfolio over the near future.

LFPI Hospitality Group

Konrad-Adenauer-Ufer 37

50668 Köln


T. +49 221 474 42 50

We are: Hotel investor and operator

We offer: LFPI Hotels Germany is your reliable partner for hotel real estate investments. Our owner-operator or pure operator model implies streamlined and efficient management structures, high quality service standards and therefore a sustainable increase in value for the asset class hotel. We are multi-franchisee with international hotel brands like Ibis, Best Western, Mercure, Hotel Indigo, Holiday Inn and Steigenberger Hotels.

We are looking for: Acquisition and/or or management of hotel properties and portfolios in major cities and metropolitan regions in Germany and Central Europe.

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