As the bubble bursts, a large question mark has suddenly appeared over the future of city centres, where investors such as René Benko bought the department stores and hotels that gave the inner cities their shine. Berlin's KaDeWe is one of Signa's most famous assets, but there are also the Galeria department stores. Berlin has now stopped all planning in this segment. Frank Tetzel reports today on the hefty insolvency sums and the suffering caused by bankrupt real estate.
Let's jump now though to something positive - Portugal. Hotels are opening at a rapid pace, the pipeline is full, transactions are flowing, even outside Lisbon. More and more foreign investors are coming. RevPAR will continue to rise this year. Of course, the chains are also moving in, but it is just as motivating to see that there are many local names and small units among the new openings.
Adina now markets Adina and MM:NT. A knot of letters that encourages tongue acrobatics until the word "Moment" finally slips out of your mouth... Wherever you see this quartet of letters in the future, you know: Under this umbrella, Adina's parent company TFE Hotels offers several Living products: from small, windowless rooms of 11 square meters to comfortable apartments for five. Young testers in the new Berlin lab will define exactly what this will look like. Sylvie Konzack reports on Adina's non-Adina brand.
Our smaller news articles today in the magazine are not quite as funny: Globally, most assets have currently lost half their value - but the hotel industry has not fallen that far! Managers must increasingly keep an eye on the EU and the overall economic and climate development (keywords: tipping points, building efficiency and water management). There are new developments everywhere. And Ireland is calling! The popular tourist destination urgently needs affordable tourist accommodation.
At the end of the day, please allow yourself to be re-motivated by TUI's extremely positive balance sheet figures, the mix of personnel and real estate news - and, to relax, selected news on the homepage and on the Marketplace: Achat now drives e-scooters, robots are becoming more and more human-like and tourists in Singapore can now sleep in bus hotels.
I wish you a pleasant week!
Yours, Maria Pütz-Willems