Topic Real Estate

News & Stories

"Property of the Year": Countdown for nominations

Munich. Nominations for the "Property of the Year" are still being accepted until 31 July. The prize will be awarded as part of the one and a half day long conference "hotelforum" held on 25 October in Munich's Hotel Kempinski Vier Jahreszeiten.

"Chinatown Bad Orb" with cheap workers from China - a precedent?
Paragraphs under cost pressure

Augsburg. The idea of Chinese workers building a hotel and other things in the peaceful town of Bad Orb causes some astonishment. As reported on June 9, 2006, an investor in Shanghai is about to renovate and erect the spa, the spa hotel as well as a bathhouse respectively. The investment is low thanks to low-cost workers from China who are flown in. What do other hotel companies, consultants and developers think about this if this model becomes the accepted thing? The procedure is permissible under labour law.
UK timeshare survey reveals owners profiles

London. 75% of UK timeshare owners, a total of almost 500,000 households, are pleased with their decision to buy timeshare; 72% of owners would recommend timeshare to a friend; 68% say timeshare is good value when compared with other holidays. The Organisation for Timeshare in Europe's  first survey of UK owners uncovers a lot of details.

Design fever in Vienna: The Levante places hopes on multi-culti
Viennese, Turkish, Rumanian, fragile


Vienna . Within the space of less than two months, an Austro-Turkish entrepreneur has opened two hotels in Vienna. The history of the creation of Levante is just as unusual as the hotel design. The Levant Parliament once again sets a precedent for Vienna, a city in which design fever is epidemic. The Levante name already enjoys a certain level of recognition - thanks to five established restaurants and sister hotel for long stay guests already adorning the brand.

Ian Schrager tired of design hotels

New York. US trend-setters Aby Rosen and Ian Schrager are collaborating on a brand new SoHo hotel at 350 West Broadway in New York, a site they bought a few weeks ago for about 25 million Dollars.

Davos awaits new luxury-wellness-hotel by Matteo Thun

Davos. By next month at the latest, the canton and inhabitants of Davos are to give the official authorisation for a new mountain design and wellness hotel. The premises of the former Basel Clinic "Klinik am Wald" will form the stage for South Tyrol's designer Matteo Thun. His design for an oval shaped hotel on the mountain side will house 200 rooms and serviced apartments at 5 star standards.

Luxury fractional cruise ship Magellan to be constructed
Delaware. Residential Cruise Line Ltd, a US based company is launching the 650 million USD and 200 luxury suites Magellan - the ultimate residential cruise ship with 15 decks, offering fractional and full ownership. The company describes the Magellan as "the most luxurious residential cruise ship ever conceived". Magellan construction will start when 60% of the units have been sold.
Berlin Senate stops project developer Ekkehardt Streletzki
Estrel Parc faced with the chop?

Berlin. Germany`s debt-ridden capital, Berlin, should be the last place where large private investment plans are rejected. Yet this is precisely the decision of SPD town planning senator Ingeborg Junge-Reyer. Plans for the construction of Estrel Parc, a congress and event centre with retail park directly adjacent to Estrel Hotel are to be stopped. hospitalityInside spoke to initiators.

InterConti Berlin helps new "Real Estate Salon" on to its feet

Berlin. The new "ImmobilienSalon" in Berlin is to become a regular feature in the capital. InterContinental Hotels stands behind the new project. The inaugural event already attracted 700 visitors.

15 year agreement with Philippe Starck for new luxury hotel brand

New York. SBE Hotel Group has signed an exclusive agreement with renowned designer, Philippe Starck, for the creation of a new luxury hotel brand, to debut as early as 2008.

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