Topic Finance

News & Stories

JLL Hotels with mega-deals for Ritz-Carlton

Munich. Merrill Lynch Capital Markets Bank and Aareal Bank have concluded a contract with Capital Partners for the refinancing of the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Moscow at a price of over 160 million Euros. At the same time, the sale of the Hotel Arts in Barcelona, another Ritz-Carlton Hotel, was completed to become the biggest single real estate transaction in Spanish history.

German Acron group to invest in Radisson SAS Zurich Airport
The type of investment makes the difference


Berlin. International airports are becoming increasingly real estate and economic locations and their operators are similar to gigantic businesses. And the buildings being constructed there are gigantic as well: At Zurich Kloten Airport, a Radisson SAS Hotel will soon be built, financed by the German Acron group. With its unusual financing model, this investment company has discovered Switzerland to be an interesting region for German investors.

Questionable fund for Airport Hotel Muenster

Muenster/Osnabrueck. The brochure leaves many questions unanswered. This is why, the online service cautions against a fund that plans to erect and then rent an airport hotel at Muenster/Osnabrueck Airport. Arcadia Nord GmbH is the lessee and operator of the hotel. It will conclude a franchise agreement with the Holiday Inn chain.

InterConti Frankfurt and six more sold

London. InterContinental Hotels Group plc has agreed to sell a portfolio of seven InterContinental branded hotels located in Continental Europe to the Morgan Stanley Real Estate Funds. IHG previously announced in January 2006 that these hotels had been put on the market.

The property fund company CGI willing to invest in hotel companies
First class operators is prerequisite

Berlin. Open property funds are ever more on the look out for lucrative investments promising high gains and at the same time securing portfolio diversity in terms of location and usage. Even the Commerz Grundbesitz Investment Company, the real estate subsidiary of the Commerzbank plc, is no exception. Although their activity in the hotel industry is limited, CGI is open for new projects with well known operators.

Ten hotels bought by Israelis

Augsburg. A subsidiary of an Israeli real estate company has just a few days ago put its signature to a contract for the purchase of up to ten hotels in a range of German cities including Munich, Bonn, Frankfurt and Essen.

Again eight properties sold to Blackstone

London. Hospitality Europe B.V., the pan-European hotel owning and asset management company, completed its sale to BRE/Hospitality Europe Holding B.V., an entity owned by funds managed by The Blackstone Group. The sale includes wellknown properties, such as the Sheraton Airport Hotels in Frankfurt and Amsterdam and the Pulitzer in Amsterdam.

Owner confirms enormously risen conversion costs of Dolder Zurich
100 million francs more

Zurich. The conversion of the famous Grand Hotel Dolder in Zurich, Switzerland, will cost 100 million Swisss francs more. The total costs will now be 400 instead of 300 million Swiss francs. Raised demands, conservation orders and disagreements between the owner worth billions and top architect Norman Foster have caused the amount to rise.

Portrait: Difa - Deutsche Immobilienfonds AG
A fund called friend of the hotel business

Berlin. Hotels as lucrative and "nice" investments are appreciated by open investment funds. As additions to the portfolio they are appreciated by initiators and investors, as they guarantee the desired mixture of office buildings, city quarters, shopping malls and commercial areas. "This well-balanced portfolio is especially interesting for long-term oriented investors," says Ingo Hartlief, Board member of Deutsche Immobilienfonds AG. Difa is one of those investment fund companies that are open-minded about the hotel industry.

U.S. hotel market still hot but may peak soon

New York. The U.S. hotel market is sizzling. Hard statistical evidence gleaned from interviews of U.S. hotel investors and lenders suggest that domestic hotel markets are at all-time height. But there is increasing evidence that the industry may be closer to the peak of this cycle than the beginning.

Stock Exchange

Share price performance of the week 09/05/14 - 15/05/14

HI+Share price performance of the week 09/05/14 - 15/05/14

Changes %

Source: Reuters powered by HVS EMEA Enews

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