HI+Share price performance of the week 29/01/16 - 04/02/16
Changes %
Berlin. Design Hotels AG announced a few days ago it will suspend the continuous trading facility for its shares on Xetra from 1st February 2009 till further notice.
Hamburg. Budget hotels are profitable even in times of economic crisis. And it's for this reason that they're increasingly attracting the attention of real estate funds. A Hamburg based fund has recently issued a "budget hotel fund".
Berlin The current financial crisis has resulted in a lasting loss of confidence among German investors in financial world in general. Only seven percent of German citizens trust the credit market, whereas 70 percent express open mistrust. Following the collapse of English and American investment houses, it was first the hedge funds that suffered. Now, finance investors have been drawn into the storm as the crisis reaches open real estate funds.
Bern. By the year 2010, the Schweizerhof in Bern is to shine in new glory thanks to investment by its new owner, Barwa, Qatar. Experts doubt, however, that the planned sum will be enough.
Augsburg. The consequences of the financial crisis are slowly, very slowly, becoming apparent. Results of stock market listed hotel groups for the third quarter have almost all plummeted and better prospects for 2009 aren't expected. Companies and consumers are tightening their belts and the banks all seem to be following their own erratic strategies. That next year will be a tough one for the hotel industry seems to have escaped nobody. "The end to the hardship won't come until 2010," one management consultant predicted, "when the hotels currently in construction open their doors and are no longer able to access their capital." Consultants and project developers on the current situation.
Munich. The financial crisis is getting private equity companies into trouble. Their concept of selling off companies bought and restructured within a relatively short period of time and make a profit no longer works. At the same time, the restrictive financial policy these days makes new takeovers more difficult. In a panel discussion at the "Hospitality Industry Dialogue" in the course of the Expo Real Munich real estate trade fair, the industry definitely refused to give in.