Topic Real Estate

News & Stories

New era: EU taxonomy becomes effective with the new year

Berlin/Hamburg. Climate protection, sustainability and ESG have become indispensable in the real estate industry. Not surprising, since the building sector is responsible for almost 40% of CO2 emissions in the EU. Steering tool is to be financing. As of January 1, 2022, the EU taxonomy will apply for the first time.

Existing properties are more sustainable

Hamburg. In the real estate world, existing properties in particular will help shape the path to climate neutrality. A brand-new study says: Around half of these so-called transformation properties in Germany will be implemented as mixed use. Gastronomy plays a role in this.

RIMC continues to fight for its Seehotel

Hamburg/Lochau. Since the beginning of November, a fierce legal battle has been going on between the Hamburg hotel operator RIMC and the owner of the Seehotel am Kaiserstrand in Lochau am Vorarlberg, Austria. Obviously, it is "only" about wanting to sell an attractive property without an operator. The whole procedure does not cast a good light on the owner at the moment.

Covivio confirms the rebound in Europe

Metz. While the European hotel industry was still heavily impacted by the continuing pandemic during the first half of 2021, signs have been pointing to recovery since summer. This is also felt by one of Europe's largest hotel owners, Covivio Hotels, with a portfolio of 333 hotels and 45,768 rooms.

Transaction in Germany: Dynamic final quarter expected

Frankfurt/Main. The investment volume on the German hotel real estate market is still clearly behind the boom years in the third quarter of 2021. However, distress sales are largely absent, prices are rather stable and experts are forecasting a further upswing.

Models, modules & BIM help, banks & authorities cling to traditional methods
The fear of sustainable construction

Munich. Demolish or build new? This is no longer decided by the builder, but by the economic cycle of the building. The main drivers for sustainable construction are the people/customers, not the investors. Authorities and banks have also not yet got used to 'building for the future'. This relies on digital tools for more efficient planning and cost savings. Practical experience - just in time for Expo Real 2021.

Primestar conceives Living and Longstay

Berlin. More franchise, a new own brand and, despite Corona, the desire for further lease contracts. This was announced by Andreas Erben of Primestar Hospitality at the end of June. The own brand will have a hotel, living and long-stay character, a young platform will help in distribution. Details.

Investments in Spain: top results in the first half of 2021

Madrid. During the first half of 2021, transactions in the Spanish hospitality industry has seen one of the best results of the last 15 years: more than 1 billion euros of global total investment.

German hotel transactions: More in motion

Frankfurt/M. The banks continue to keep the money taps closed for hotel investments in Germany, the equity requirements have increased enormously in the corona crisis. Nevertheless, there are signs of a delicate upswing on the market.

Europe: Safe haven for hotel projects

Berlin/Portsmouth. In Germany's A-destinations, project developments in the hotel sector have decreased significantly in 2020. Overall, however, the European market remains robust, many projects were merely postponed.

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