Topic Tourism

News & Stories

TUI reorganises German business model
Hanover. TUI is reorganising its home market business model by applying an all-encompassing structural and organisational reform. The aim is to capture the market leadership in certain special segments. Among other things, the travel giant wants to promote city travels and trips involving individual travel.
"Travel designers" create new opportunities for hotels
The facilitators

Augsburg. For hoteliers they are both horror and hope at the same time: they drive the whole hotel industry crazy with their extra wishes, but with their budgets they compensate for all the annoyance. The new travel designers resemble grand travel agency shipping clerks: they specialise in upwardly mobile and high-class clientele for whom they fulfil every wish. To do that you need the right hotel partners: they must be flexible, fast, discrete – just perfect. And with a little bit of luck both sides can earn a lot of money.

Kuoni sheds loss maker in the US

Zurich. Kuoni Reisen Holding AG is selling its US subsidiary Intrav to the English operator First Choice Holidays plc for 82 million CHF. The sale will be carried out in January 2006.

New concept: Travel and donate

Hamburg. The journey runs through fascinating countries and regions, and one destination is a stop off at a social project sponsored with part of the travel price. A man in Hamburg has developed a new socially orientated travel concept.

Main subject for the season: Children in hotels
Between laughing and crying

Augsburg. A hotel manager from Austria has become unpopular. Children under the age of twelve will no longer be accommodated at his hotel beginning May 2006, said Roland Ballner recently from Hotel Cortisen on Lake Wolfgang. Others say: Children are the guests of the future and families are essential in terms of turnover. Taking a stroll through resort hotels, it is apparent that solutions in theory and practice can be found.

24 hours at the Kempinski Emirates Palace Abu Dhabi
The most boring hotel in the world


Abu Dhabi. The Emirates Palace Abu Dhabi is the most boring hotel in the world. This marble crypt in gold, cream and beige is ultimate proof that money is no guarantee of good taste. In the mile-long foyer guests appear as lost little dots. The Kempinski group has to be extremely careful that this Arabian sheikh’s dream doesn’t turn into a "hotel nightmare".

Emirates Palace: Bringing high-end business to Abu Dhabi
New superlative put on the MICE map

Abu Dhabi. The capital of the United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi, takes up competition with other worldclass MICE destinations, such as London or Cape Town. Indeed, right now the International Conference Center at Emirates Palace is the most convincing facility of this new marble landmark in the desert.

Dorint Resorts marketed as "Pamper Hotels"
On a par with Accor Vacances

Duesseldorf. Guests are "friends" and the director their "host". Now that Dorint plc once again manages its resort hotels demand has exceeded all expectation. With a small team and personal touch, the new "pamper hotels" prove that even the big chains have a holiday heart.

German summer season: Cities benefited

Bonn. The German Tourism Association has drawn a first intermediate conclusion for 2005. The travel destination of Germany is becoming more and more significant among international guests.

Saving drives drastically push down business spending

Berlin/Frankfurt. The total expenditure for business travel in Germany has drastically reduced: Whilst two years ago 54.1 billion Euros was spent on business travel in Germany, in 2004 the figure stood at only 44 billion. The total number of business trips, however, remained largely the same.

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