News & Stories
Munich. Employee referral programmes lead to more applicants and hirings – provided they are done well. The current study shows where the problem lies and how even more new hotel employees can be recruited. The model is ideal for hotel employees who prefer to stay for a shorter time: They have the strongest network.
Berlin. The German hospitality industry would like to see itself better represented in politics: The "Union der Wirtschaft" has now been founded. Another industry association, on the other hand, is taking its leave.
Rome. The Italian tourism industry lost about 350,000 employees in the year 2020, taking the industry back to 2011 levels. The brain drain is mainly seen in the food & beverage outlets, and women and full-time employees suffered most.
Madrid. Spain's largest and well-known hotel chains have started to lay off their workers in bigger numbers. Hopefully, the summer season can slow it down.
Vienna. Stagnation and setbacks in tourism education existed even before Corona. Above all, things should improve at the universities.
Munich. Hospitality is bleeding, also concerning personnel. And hotels that need many staff members in future, are facing an increasing challenge. Because the number of junior staff is decreasing, and the image has suffered considerably due to the lockdowns. At the same time, hotels are retrieving their employees by means of elaborate re-onboarding processes. And the experts are changing, while their shortage continues to worsen. The time for self-reflection has come.
Munich. No more long and expensive interviews. This is the promise made by a Munich-based start-up. It claims to be able to find the right applicant simply by using video and artificial intelligence. And this is where the difficulties begin.
Munich. Nearly no employment, high financial losses, and little perspective: For many hotel employees, the situation of short-time work or home office began exactly one year ago. In the meantime, the entire situation is coming to a head. Also, because numerous employers are behaving badly when it comes to their employees. The time for self-reflection has come.
Munich. The corona pandemic also poses extreme psychological challenges for both hoteliers and hotel executives. Graduate psychologist Almuth Wuensch has specialised on crisis intervention and knows how to reduce your stress level and keep a level head. The lockdown over Christmas and New Year’s Eve provides an ideal frame to get yourself back in shape.
Berlin. Corona has sent people on an unexpected mental journey. How do people, and especially leaders, cope with these times of uncertainty? What follows shock and frustration? How do home office and social distance influence us? Cornelia Kausch, many of whom have so far worked as a development expert, is also involved as a Senior Coach & Consultant for Life. "I am a sounding board," she says about herself. So she shares her thoughts with us today - and leads us gently and thoughtfully into the summer break. Corona can also do good.