News & Stories
Bei Flugausfällen geben Airlines lieber Reisegutscheine aus anstatt den Ticketpreis zu erstatten. Doch ein Urteil des Europäischen Gerichtshof zeigt: Passagiere müssen sich das nicht gefallen lassen.
The pandemic, natural disasters, inflation, ESG - all of these are forcing investors, owners and operators to introduce new flexibility into their contracts. Felix Krieglstein, a lawyer at the Jung & Schleicher in Berlin, a firm specialising in hotel contracts, explains the bumps and stumbles along the way.
The Irish Data Protection Commission has imposed a fine of 91 million euros on Meta Ireland. The accusation: The Facebook parent company has not sufficiently protected user passwords.
Are hotels allowed to offer their rooms cheaper on their own website than on Booking.com? This has been disputed for years. On Thursday, the European Court of Justice ruled in favour of the industry.
Google must pay a fine of 2.4 billion Euro following a judgement by the European Court of Justice (ECJ). The tech giant had given its own price comparison service an unlawful advantage and thus abused its dominant market position, the judges in Luxembourg ruled.
The EU's Digital Markets Act has caused a stir among online platforms. Now the TikTok operator Bytedance has conceded defeat before the EU court.
This urgent application is the last legal chance for appropriate financial compensation for the coronavirus aid. Dirk Iserlohe from the Dorint Hotel parent company Honestis AG filed a "renewed constitutional complaint" on 7 July.
Booking Holdings reported a record year in 2023 - and is also defending itself against a hefty fine from the Spanish supervisory authorities for alleged anti-competitive practices. The company must also notify the European Commission of its potential categorisation as a "gatekeeper", which entails new regulations.
The Italian tax authorities and the online travel portal booking.com have settled a long-standing dispute over the payment of more than 150 million euros in VAT. The tax authorities are also putting pressure on Airbnb over several hundred million euros. At the same time, the EU is demanding more data transparency.
Dirk Iserlohe demands equal treatment and is now suing for damages in 14 German courts: Large medium-sized enterprises (GMUs) such as Dorint Hotels have not received the full amount of Corona bridging aid promised by the government. Iserlohe: "I remain loud".