HI+Share price performance of the week 22/04/2021 - 28/04/2021
Changes compared to the previous week in %.

Source: Reuters
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Munich. More and more banks are expecting the economic development to deteriorate and are responding with more restrictive lending. In addition, they fear stronger competition from tech and digital companies such as Google, Amazon & Co.
Hamburg. Increasing political regulation and further slowdown in economic performance in Germany are having only a limited impact on sentiment in the investment market. This market is apparently bucking the trend, driven by low interest rates and high volumes of available capital and defying the increasing challenges.
Hamburg. Hotel operators and investors continue to view the mood on the German hotel real estate market positively. However, an ever increasing scarcity of supply has resulted in a further shift of investment activity within the various city categories. Investors remain sceptical about C-locations.
Munich. In many cities and asset classes, real estate has long been overpriced. In locations with lower prices, the risk is often higher because prospects are more difficult to assess. All the same, concrete gold remains the favoured choice for an investor. They are even prepared to accept ever lower yields – even in the hotel sector. Here, the average yield fell to 3.2%. Yet investors and operators remain undeterred. This could all end in tears. A hot topic before Expo Real.
Berlin. The German magazine Finanztest gives closed-end alternative investment funds mixed scores. Providers criticise the approach.
Vienna. Hotel properties are increasingly in the focus of private and especially institutional investors. Currently, SoReal Invest is creating a new hotel fund, which is designed as an open and specialized AIF fund. Five projects are already named.
Berlin/Munich. The Bayerische Versorgungskammer, a big pension fund has established a hotel fund. In the first stage, it will receive EUR 500 million in capital. Partner is the Berlin project developer GBI AG who will in future select the hotels in Germany, Austria and Switzerland as well as their operators for BVK.
Tel Aviv. The Fattal Group and Spring Ventures founded the business Journey Ventures together, an investment fund for technology companies from the hotel and tourism sectors.
Wiesbaden. Commerz Real and Deutsche Hospitality enter into a new partnership: Hotels are to be acquired via a joint fund and operated by Deutsche Hospitality. The focus will be on Europe. The minimum entry volume for hotels is lower than for Commerz Real's previous funds.
Paris. AccorHotels reaffirms its ambitions and targets including the doubling of its EBITDA by 2022 and, at the same time, announces the launch of a Tender Offer for 100 percent of Orbis shares. Orbis already is the largest hotel operator in Central & Eastern Europe and the exclusive master franchisee of certain AccorHotels.