News & Stories
Frankfurt. IFH Aktiengesellschaft located in Frankfurt introduced its new five-year expansion strategy announcing that it had sold its share majority to an investment company in London. IFH is specialised in quality benchmark systems and training in hotel management. Its client portfolio includes both national as well as international hotel groups.
Bad Honnef/Frankfurt. Career Partner GmbH, sponsor of International University of Applied Sciences Bonn-Bad Honnef in Germany further extends its professional training activities. After it announced it would be founding a branch in Bad Reichenhall - strategically well-located between Munich and Salzburg in Austria - a few weeks ago, it is now entering into a joint venture with Steigenberger Hotels AG. The hotel group also owns its own hotel academy - likewise in Bad Reichenhall.
Berlin. With its new study guide "Where to Study Hospitality and Tourism 2008", the German Hotel Association has for the first time published a complete overview of all courses of study in hospitality and tourism offered by German speaking institutes of higher education.
Munich. Treugast Solutions Group and the International University of Applied Sciences Bad Honnef,Bonn found a joint venture for extending their professional education activities in China. The joint venture will become majority shareholder of the International Academy of Hospitality in Shanghai as "Career Partner China GmbH". The academy's strategic and academic development is to be promoted together with local partners.
Munich. Committed employees who are willing to work are decisive for the success of a business. But what employees find motivating may differ depending on the nationality. Multinational businesses have to consider this fact when developing their personnel strategies. Current data of surveys from 22 countries show: "respectful behaviour" plays the most important role all over the world.
Munich/Frankfurt. André Witschi, Chairman of the Board of Accor Hotellerie Deutschland until July 2007, starts office as Chairman of the Board of the German Steigenberger Hotels AG today. For tourism in Germany, it is a blessing that Witschi, originally from Switzerland, is staying in Germany. A portrait of one of the most influential top managers of the German hotel industry.
Vienna. In Austria, the first hoteliers have now joined a charity project based on the idea of an Austrian PR manager. The start of "Global Family Charity" is imminent in Germany.
Duesseldorf. The first decade of the new millennium has brought human resources to new heights. Whereas until recently the hotel industry has described staff shortages only in the world's "emerging markets", companies in Europe are now facing the same problems. Manual Konen, Managing Director of the Personnel Agency and Consulting Firm, Konen & Lorenzen, in Dusseldorf, describes the changes in recent months and what can be learned from them.