News & Stories
London. International Tourism Partnership offers the first industry training focusing on the risks of modern slavery in hotel operations and recruitment. The online training was developed by Hilton for its own staff and is now available for the entire industry for free.
Innsbruck. The path of new employees to tourism businesses is comparable to the customer journey. The employer should not overlook any possible touch point during this journey. From the first perception of the business, often as a customer, to the farewell when the employee takes on new challenges.
Munich. In the meantime the HR discussion in the industry clearly distinguishes itself according to staff shortage. Slim smart hotels, with only little staff, and expensive full hotels with 4 or 5 stars are drifting further and further apart. Digital and clever technologies help, but humans need to stay. A difficult balancing act as the discussion about "Humans, Human Robots or Nobody?" showed during the "Hospitality Industry Dialogue" at Expo Real Munich.
Düsseldorf. Lindner Hotels & Resorts and me and all hotels increasingly rely on digital recruiting and talent management for employee recruitment and retention. Videos play an important role here.
Rimini. The hospitality industry in Italy does not benefit from law incentives for new employment compared to other segments. Moreover, the legislator has simply forgotten the hotel industry. The government rarely takes the specific characteristics of the sector into account, attaching little or no importance to unique elements such as seasonal openings and peak periods. The Italian hotel industry provides jobs to about 1.4 million people.
Munich. The shortage of skilled workers calls for new ideas. One such idea is the programme put forward by the Chambers of Commerce in Salzburg and Tyrol which, as of this year, aim to turn tourism auxiliary workers into skilled personnel. Vorarlberg has made efforts in this direction with GASCHT for some time.
Munich. When it comes to salary, employers let the cat out of the bag very late in the day in the application process – much to the annoyance of prospective employees.
Munich. How much do employees earn over the course of their lives? The portal gehalt.de, specialised in the subject of salary and career, has analysed hundreds of thousands of data points. In comparison to other sectors, the income on offer in the hotel and restaurant industry is poor.
Vienna. The employer reviews platform Kununu, a subsidiary of Xing, is growing rapidly with a business model focused on paid company profiles. An interview with Managing Director Sarah Müller about fakes, 50,000 reviews, 400 complaints per month and employer reactions. The search for hotel reviews throws up mixed results.
Berlin/Madrid. Housekeeping, housekeeper, chambermaid, room maid or even room boy: the designations for one of the most important hotel departments and their employees are constantly changing. Although their work increases guest satisfaction, they remain at the lowest level in the hotel hierarchy. In Spain, the Las Kellys association has been resisting for several years. The unequal treatment of employees in this area is a constant issue, not only in summer.