News & Stories
Zermatt. After near six years of planning and a construction phase of two summers, on 10 March 2010, the new Monte Rosa cabin near Zermatt will open with 110 beds at 2,883m above sea level. The cabin is to test new hotel technologies and energy management methods.
White Plains. Rolling out the "green carpet" for drivers of electric and hybrid vehicles, Element Hotels announced its goal to install electric car-charging stations at all of its properties by the end of 2009.
London. One Cornish hotelier in England is about to show that hotels can boast impeccable eco-credentials. The 37-room boutique hotel opened 1 September near Newquay and is one of the eco pioneers in UK.
Gstaad. The Gstaad Palace in Switzerland has secured the beginning of a new ecological means of supplying heat. After two months of construction and an investment of 650,000 CHF, the hotel is the first customer of a new district heating network to provide heat from renewable Swiss energy sources.

Stuttgart. Deutsche Gesellschaft für nachhaltiges Bauen develops a new quality certificate for sustainable buildings. To this end, a newly developed quality certificate for resource-saving buildings incorporates and also extends the ideas of the American LEED standard. Anna Braune, DGNB Office Manager, gives an overview of the background.
Frankfurt. Tomorrow will see the final day of the "Word Water Week 2008". In the past few days, experts, politicians and economic representatives have met in Stockholm to discuss water shortage, water access and usage of water. Martin Geiger, an expert of the World Wildlife Funds demanded internationally coordinated water management. After the CO2 footprint, the term "water footprint" is now making the rounds.