News & Stories
Vienna. Austria's tourist job market is growing, but the average duration of employment is sinking further. Seasonal lengthening is no longer an option.
Beijing/Munich. After two successful "Career Days" in Munich, Kempinski Hotels has now exported the concept to China. 374 participants, 300 of whom were external talents, enquired about their career opportunities at Kempinski Hotel Beijing Lufthansa Center at the beginning of April. Since April 2, there has been a new talent manager in the corporate office.
Munich. While there have been support programs for junior staff members within the hotels for quite some time at Accor, comparable offers were absent at the German headquarters in Munich with more than 400 staff members. Since 2009, an innovative support programme has also been running with which the junior staff members form a learning partnership together with their superiors. In the meantime, the measure was evaluated by psychologists of the University of Freiburg – with partially astonishing results. The cost-efficient concepts can also be implemented at the hotels.
Bochum. Keeping hold of good employees is one of the biggest challenges facing the hotel industry. An important factor here how appealing they find their work. Psychologists at the Ruhr University in Bochum have now found a connection between the perceived attractiveness of a job to the employee and his psychological stability. Attractive and innovative companies have clear advantages. 108 hotel employees took part in the study, which hospitalityInside.com now has in its exclusive possession.
Lucerne. The International Hotel Management Institute Switzerland, which currently trains 230 people from about 50 nations per semester, wants to expand.
Washington. His name has long since adorned a 747 of United Airlines: "Ed Fuller, Customer" stands beneath the pilot’s window - in honour of his status as frequent flyer, one who has flown over 10 million miles around the globe in his life so far. As President and Managing Director of Marriott Lodging International, the American has spent many hours on a plane. In 2012, the rock at Bill Marriott's side will retire. Though before he goes, he leaves the industry a message: "You can't lead with your feet on the desk." This is the title of the book written over the course of many flights. In times in which the "war of talents" has weighed on human resources departments, Ed Fuller makes a passionate plea for people and values. The man on his book.
Worms. A survey among graduates of Worms University of Applied Sciences from 2007 was the determining factor for the new initiative. The survey four years ago revealed that only 12 percent of the graduates who completed hotel training before studying return to the hospitality sector after graduation. In other words, at least 9 of ten students turn their back on the hospitality industry! Paradoxically, more and more hotel management courses have been started up in the past few years. This is why Nena Zuber tried to find out in her bachelor thesis whether this was only a phenomenon limited to Worms or if it applied to other universities, too. The shattering result: the universities in Munich and Heilbronn record similar developments. The industry's human resources exodus seems to be systematic. The industry associations Dehoga, OEHV and hotelleriesuisse comment.
Lucerne. The International Hotel Management Institute Switzerland, which currently trains 230 people from about 50 nations per semester, wants to expand.
Wiesbaden. Who is allowed to do what with Social Media? Many hotels and hotel groups are discussing jurisdiction within the company: Because the activities of co-workers on social networks can lead to all sorts of conflicts. Therefore, more and more companies are establishing directives for contact with Social Media and limit the contact with them to special departments. The most important criterion for the practise remains the clarification - for individual hotels as well as chains.
Bad Honnef. In October, the International University of Applied Sciences Bad Honnef Bonn will start a distance-learning project where teaching material will also be provided as multimedia for the first time.