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Hamburg.Today, several readers will probably not understand this job ad by prizeotel straight away. The core statement does not contain text but emoji – also called emoticons or smileys. The Gen Y loves these symbols, stars, animals and signs, which symbolise love, rage, admiration, hate, and objects of everyday life. Five emoji relate what prizeotel has to offer… Again, CEO Marco Nussbaum goes his own quirky way. And this is the start of a new human resources strategy. The emoji wording was chosen by two 24-year-olds: "so that the peers understand us." Pia and Vroni are new at prizeotel and responsible for HR at the budget design group. They talked with Maria Puetz-Willems about how they feel and what they experienced in the industry before.
Duesseldorf. The online portal "Kununu" was the start: Now, Germany's largest online employment agency has begun to build its own ratings portal for employers in the hotel and restaurant industry. YourCareerGroup allows anonymous ratings, though monitors entries. The official launch will take place in late summer.
Jeddah/Geneva. In times in which certain of the world's religious groups question the equality of women, women in management roles are all the more conspicuous – especially in Saudi Arabia. There, Maram Kokandi is the first women to take up the reins at the new Park Inn by Radisson Jeddah Madinah Road. The Rezidor Hotel Group promoted her through its internal leadership programme. An ambassador for luxury in an abaya also attended the gala event at the Kempinski Adlon Berlin in March which was arranged to celebrate the group's 120th anniversary. May Alshamian was one of 19 Ladies in Red attending, though she wore black.
Frankfurt. The Cornell Hotel Society EMEA Region now offers multiple "executive education” scholarships within the "Deiv Salutskij EMEA Scholarship Fund" and invites anyone who is interested to apply until April 19, 2017.
Vienna. "The source has dried up," the Head of Austria's employment agency, Arbeitsmarkt Services, in Bischofshofen says. The development can be felt across the whole of Austrian tourism. Whereas ten years ago, German employees moving from former East Germany filled demand in Austria's Alpine hotel industry, this boom has now come to an end. Now, more employees come from the other EU countries. At the same time, the share of Austrian employees is falling. Politicians now hope to change the trend and entice new employees with tax benefits and bonuses. The industry itself doesn't quite know how it can attract prospective staff.
Munich. MOOCs make it possible – and all for a small fee or even totally free of charge: an introduction to global hospitality management from the renowned hotel academy of Cornell University, a course on "Politics and Diplomacy of Cooking and Hospitality" by the Ecole Hôtelière de Lausanne or a lesson on sales strategies by the University of Chicago... More and more universities and business schools are offering such online courses. Companies too can use these courses and integrate them into their training programme. In the hotel sector, MOOCs – Massive Open Online Courses – are still pretty much unknown.
Dubai. With the current acquisition and consolidation wave in the hotel industry, numerous longstanding and well-deserving general managers are being dismissed. Many of them fall into a sort of job limbo and social pit. The newly founded International Association of Hotel Executives wants to help them.
Bad Honnef. Distance learning is a time-consuming and strenuous effort, but it usually supports climbing the career ladder and provides employers with new executives. Employers increasingly support their employees in distance learning. However, there is still room for improvement with respect to corresponding jobs for graduates.
Munich. They're self-agrandising, they lie and they abuse trust - successful managers and politicians are often the exact opposite of what management experts preach. Professor Jeffrey Pfeffer from Stanford University explains why that's the case. The 70-year-old is considered a key thinker among the world's leading management experts. In his book, he focuses on five positive characteristics which are certain to be a manager's downfall. He takes issue with the entire leadership industry with its seminars and coaches.
Boulder. What do Belmond, Caesar's Entertainment, Carlson, China Lodging, Jumeirah, Mandarin Oriental, Millennium & Copthorne, Starwood Hotels & Resorts, and Whitbread have in common? They all announced a change of CEO during the past 12 months. A US consulting company now reveals what the typical CEO looks like in 2016.