Topic Law

News & Stories

Moscow went to court against Hilton

Moscow. The Moscow City Property Department went to the Arbitration Court against ZAO Leningradskaya Hotel with a lawsuit worth 286.1 million RUB. The hotel property - one of seven famous 'Stalin towers' - is owned by OAO Sadko-Hotel and operated by the Moscow subsidiary of Interstate Hotels & Resorts on behalf of a franchise agreement between Sadko-Hotel and Hilton.

Increasing distrust towards data protection

Allensbach. The distrust in the German population concerning data protection has been growing. The majority of the population is not convinced that data stored by companies or the state are protected sufficiently. However, the distrust towards companies is higher than towards the state.

Denizen: Hilton executives accused of industrial espionage

London. It all came thick and fast last week: On Tuesday evening, Hilton announced that the development of the new lifestyle brand Denizen had been temporarily halted and that the lifestyle time was suspended. Only four days previously, Starwood Hotels & Resorts accused its competitor of theft of confidential Starwood documents and filed a law suit.

Court decision: Star regulations in favour of the small hotels

Zurich. The "star wars" between the two competing associations for the hotel and restaurant industry in Switzerland has taken a turn for the better in favour of the smaller landlord association GastroSuisse. A court in Zurich dismissed the suit of the employers' association hotelleriesuisse: The association did not want to accept GastroSuisse's own category system, which is also based on stars.

Hotel Cipriani defends its trade mark 

London/Venice. Hotel Cipriani, the famous hotel in Venice which is part of Orient-Express Hotels Ltd, has been successful in an action in the High Court in London for trade mark infringement and passing off in respect of the brand "Cipriani" for restaurant services.

New Care Act in force: The right to long-term leave
Employer bites the bullet

Offenbach. Should an employee decide to care for a close family member over a long period of time, the employer has no means at his/her disposal to oppose the decision. Similar to the case in terms of the short-term right to leave, here too must the employer accept the long-term request. This is the result of Germany's new Care Act. Our legal expert, Joachim Jungbluth explains.

New Care Act in force: The right to short-term leave
Staff right to leave dominant

Offenbach. Imagine the following situation. An employee approaches his/her employer saying: "My grandmother has taken ill and from now on will need to be cared for, I need two weeks off to organise this..." Whereas up until 1 July 2008, the employer could have pointed to the fact that the intensity of current business makes time off impossible or that the employee could take holiday in lax periods, the legal situation in Germany is now different.

Holiday entitlement does not lapse on start of 2nd period of parental leave
Change in case law

Offenbach. Summer time is holiday time. But what are the rules con-cerning holiday rights in connection with consecutive periods of parental leave? Joachim Jungbluth,`s legal expert and partner specialising in labour law at Niederhausen and Jungbluth Chambers in Offenbach gives advice following a recent judgement by the Federal Labour Court.

Swiss Lex Koller relaxed - Opportunity for resorts

Bern. The French company Les Maisons de Biarritz plans to build a 4 star hotel complex in Champery in the Swiss Canton of Valais. The complex will include three hotels, a thermal bath with 15 chalets and 51 apartments. The plans have been drawn up with the agreement of the Canton. Now, the Federal Justice Department has issued a claim before the Valais Canton Court aimed at preventing the construction of the 15 Chalets and 51 apartments. The project breaches "Lex Koller", the Department announced just a few days ago. Nevertheless, Valais' regional government reacted positively: For hotel companies, it might be possible to sell individual apartments to non-Swiss nationals.

Discrimination on grounds of disability
Registration of posts suitable for disabled persons mandatory

Offenbach. Wherever a position capable of being filled by a disabled person becomes available, the employer is bound to register the existence of such with the local employment agency. Failure to do so could result in a claim for compensation on grounds of discrimination. Where such a claim is made, companies generally find it hard to convince the court that they had not acted discriminatorily.  A judgement from the German Federal Labour Court.

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