News & Stories
Bern. The Swiss Hotelier Association HotellerieSuisse has declared itself winner in the "star wars" against industry association GastroSuisse: According to comments of the judge presiding over the case at Zurich Commercial Court, it seems GastroSuisse will not be able to use stars for the classification of its member hotels.
Wiesbaden. Of the several hotels belonging to Queens Moat Houses plc in Germany, 16 are held under franchise agreements with Holiday Inn and seven with Best Western. Norbert Stockmann, Director Sales & Marketing with Queens Moat Houses Hotel plc gives his view on franchising.
Lucerne (May 5, 2006). For twelve year now, five renowned hoteliers have met in five different countries and discussed benchmarking. Owners and General Managers take the first round, heads of department follow. An unusual but unusually efficient form of information exchange.
Frankfurt/M The Steigenberger Hotel Group has now launched its revised customer loyalty programme, the "Award World". The new rule: "Each Euro of turnover means an additional premium point".
Zurich. The "clouded skies of Switzerland" have now given way to thunder and lightening. Both hotel associations battle on...
New York. Ritz-Carlton edged out Peninsula as the most prestigious luxury hotel brand in the 2006 Luxury Brand Status Index survey of Luxury Hotels conducted by the New York City-based Luxury Institute. Small Luxury Hotels of the World placed a strong third despite its low awareness, tied with Four Seasons.
The eco boom
Frankfurt. By the end of 2007, the brand Fleming's Hotels & Restaurants wants to be present at three locations in Frankfurt. This is what the owner, Ignaz Blodinger, recently told the press. However, Fleming's is rapidly expanding in the entire German-speaking region as well.