News & Stories
Velden on Lake Woerther. As a recent analysis on the Austrian labour market shows, the percentage of full-year jobs hasn't increased for over a decade. The result is that Austria's hospitality industry employs significantly more staff aged between 16 and 30 years of age, though after ten years, three quarters of these move into other branches of industry. Despite the crisis, the hotel and restaurant industry in Austria is still seeking new staff and the OHV wants these to come from abroad.

Augsburg. Regarding numbers, women are strongly represented in the hotel industry. But "at the top" there are only a few - women like Marie-Bé Lallemand from Concorde Hotels remain the exception. Normally, the executive chairs remain occupied by men. Nevertheless, women are slowly but surely penetrating the various executive levels. The positive thing about it: women are not letting themselves be pushed into the "soft" positions like human resources or communications but are standing their ground regarding finances and revenue management. A survey among hotel chains.

Munich. The two were "trained" at the consultancy Treugast in Munich and have been working as freelancers in the hotel industry since the beginning of the year: the colleagues Stephanie Zarges and Dr. Burkhard von Freyberg joined and formed a consultancy. In the background Dr. Beatrice Zarges is supporting the team. Von Freyberg and Zarges focus on working out and implementing positioning and marketing strategies for upscale hotels. The first customers are all special and the two "lifestyle" consultants have had a special contract since last week: they are the first German consultancy in the "Leading Services and Partner Network" of the Leading Hotels of the World.