News & Stories
Villach. Wages increase by one percent, as average working time continues to fall. Those are the most important results of a survey of 280 Austrian resort hotels in winter 2004/05 undertaken by the Austrian management consultancy.
Nuremberg. Good certificates say little about the character and thus about the actual qualification of an applicant for a certain position. And despite professional qualification, different characters of the employees may lead to a bad climate and therefore to unsatisfactory total performance of an entire department. A German coach has now introduced his own method of success for personality analyses that he has already successfully applied at hotel chains.
Wiesbaden. The private usage of the Internet by employees is being increasingly discussed in arguments about labour legislation. Experts recommend companies to conclude a plant agreement with their employees. The first hotel chains have already reacted.
Munich. "Basic economic research is still done on the basis of the homo oeconomicus theory, that is, on the assumption that a person acts exclusively for his own personal gain and that motivation must therefore come from an outside source." Armin Falk summarizes. This is, he criticizes, much too simple an approach. People do many things on their own initiative without external incentives such as money or other reward. There are many other motivating factors.
Munich. Bosses looking too closely over the shoulders of their employees destroy motivation. Most people do more than is expected provided they are not constantly monitored. These were the findings of scientists in Bonn, who, with this result, have managed to turn the present state of economic theory on its head.
Wiesbaden. The qualification of the human resources manager has an increasingly crucial effect on the success or failure of a company. He is also looking for ways to find qualified employees more quickly. The trend: The better candidate turns to the company directly via the Internet. Advertisements in print media are becoming superfluous.

The hotel industry, a multicultural working space. photo: Dehoga
Wiesbaden. The “Anti-Discrimination Law” has been stopped for the current legislative period. It was originally planned to come into force in these days. Sooner or later, however, it will be implemented all over Europe, according to the EU directive. The form in which it will come into force in Germany has not yet been established. The proposed version was not approved by the German parliament. Human resources managers in the hotel industry caution against too much bureaucracy.
Augsburg. In Guestrow, Mecklenburg-West Pomerania, the first course of study for health management in tourism is in the offing. The start of the academic training for wellness managers in Salzburg, however, has been delayed by one semester.
Singapore. May I introduce: Isabelle Bonke, a typical hotel child - 6 years old, born in Korea, American passport, lived in Germany, now living in Singapore. There, she goes to first grade at the "International School Singapore". Her school recently celebrated "United Nations Day" and invited the children to appear in traditional costumes from their home countries. Isabelle had thought about it for some time. Finally, her choice was not a cowboy hat or Korean Hanbog, but a Bavarian dirndl.
Augsburg. Concierges should be more actively involved in sales and marketing and taken more seriously in their role by management. Exactly this is the opinion of the President of the "Goldener Schluessel" Germany, as reported in the last edition of hospitalityInside. But what is it really like? The General Managers of leading German luxury hotels and three concierges describe the present state.