Marketplace News & Stories

Business travellers are a popular target for hackers. 70% have already been the victim of a cyber-attack. 60% of frequent travellers rate the cyber risk when travelling as high.
Although young people in Germany are worried about the possibility of war or an economic crisis, they are predominantly optimistic about the future, as a recent study shows.
Increasing fires in the southern hemisphere and more and more ships travelling to Antarctica with tourists on board are causing the Antarctic ice to melt more rapidly.
It feels like the coronavirus pandemic has triggered a huge surge in innovation and digitalisation. A study has now investigated the actual state of digitalisation in Germany - and what Covid has to do with it.
Although the global travel and tourism sector is growing, emissions are falling – according to the encouraging results of a recent study by the World Travel & Tourism Council on footprint data. Nevertheless, the WTTC is calling for more determination in the implementation of climate-friendly measures.
Sabre and Google have used the Travel Impact Model (TIM) for the first time to calculate the emissions of past business trips. The results should help Sabre to set realistic sustainability targets and make travelling more environmentally friendly.
Ever heard of Go Getaway, Hurkle-Durkling, Frolleagues and MeMooners? Hilton has published its 2025 Trends Report - a global study that examines the behaviour of travellers around the world and focuses specifically on German holidaymakers. A trend reversal is emerging.
Trendy hotels often have short renovation cycles. Furnishings are replaced during redesigns before they are worn out. Motel One has set up a C2C pilot project to at least reuse the valuable raw materials.
Where are the megatrends taking us? This question needs to be discussed: What comes after the metaverse and AI? An event organised by QR will bring together renowned experts to discuss the issue. You can still take part.
The protests against the flood of tourists and the associated hardships of the locals have been in the media again and again for months. Now a study has collected facts to make the problem measurable and find solutions.