HI+Share price performance of the week 12/01/2023 - 18/01/2023
Change % compared to the previous week

Source: Reuters
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Stockholm. Pandox and Scandic have already published their 2021 balance sheets and agree: the Omicron variation spoiled the end of the year, but the advanced bookings for this year and the always quick return of the markets when corona measures are relaxed give a lot of hope.
Wiesbaden. As the pandemic enters its third year, larger hotel companies in particular in Germany are now facing the question as to whether they can survive - despite the subsidies they’ve received. The number of hotels in dire need of more money has grown - thanks to the last quasi-lockdown. The matter is urgent, yet the majority of hotel groups worry in silence. Only Honestis AG/Dorint Hotels and Novum Hospitality have spoken out. And Motel One confirms the overall impression.
London/Amsterdam. London & Regional Properties, one of the biggest hotel owners in the UK, announced on Wednesday, 25 January, the formation of LRO Hospitality, a value-add joint venture with the goal of investing up to 1 billion euro in European hotel assets.
Hanover. Tour operator TUI reports an improvement in its result and a noticeable increase in bookings at the turn of the year and for summer 2022. The company describes its great flexibility as a major asset in the current situation.
London. A global alliance of financial institutions, investors and companies has announced the launch of a central platform for corporate sustainability data. It is intended to make ESG data more available and comparable, thus ensuring greater transparency in terms of sustainability.
London/Frankfurt. The hotel group Whitbread PLC has placed two bonds with a total value of GBP 550 million in the UK. This will be used to finance existing and planned sustainability projects, including the construction of hotels and the use of renewable energies as well as to secure ethical supply chains. Mark Sommer, Managing Director Finance at Premier Inn Germany, explains how Green Bonds work, what the "Greenium" is and what the role model functions mean for the industry.
Berlin. More than half of the companies in Germany are currently unable to fill vacancies - noticeably more than even before the outbreak of the Corona crisis. Solutions are needed now, for example, employees from abroad. The government-to-be knows this, too. And the Holiday Inn Munich Unterhaching tells how it works.
Wiesbaden. Austria is already in lockdown, in Germany individual regions are affected, others could follow. Stricter Corona regulations lead to the next revenue losses in the hospitality industry. As in the previous year, the task now is to secure liquidity! How?
Rome. In Italy the pandemic situation is still relatively under control, but now contagious spreading is also threatening the touristic winter season. As of this week, 11 million bookings have disappeared.
Milan. A fantastic summer doesn't cancel two challenging years. Yet, there is still room in Italy for investments in the luxury hospitality segment. Which means: Mainly foreign investors move in, take hold of high-quality assets in primary locations and finance them with capital from abroad. At the same time, local investors and operators are struggling with the pandemic crisis threatening many with closure.