News & Stories
To Go? Disposable or reusable? The obligation to offer reusable packaging is putting German hoteliers and restaurateurs under pressure - and yet no real progress is being made. A study now provides a database and reveals prospects. It's high time, because the first legal claims have been made against companies for non-compliance.
On the road to climate neutrality, the EU Commission wants to reduce the majority of greenhouse gas emissions in the EU by 2040. The authority presented this recommendation to the European Parliament in Strasbourg on Tuesday, 6 February 2024. Meanwhile, Germany is still blocking the adoption of the EU Supply Chain Act.
How can climate-damaging CO2 not only be captured, but also used to produce plastic or petrol? Researchers in Jena, Germany, are working on this question - and taking a risk.
2023 was the warmest year since industrialisation began. One catastrophe of extreme weather follows the next. Insurance premiums for (hotel) buildings will double. So how will things go forward? Old tourism models must change. The key to the solution rests with the destinations and with governments. Experts give their opinions.
The German government has once again raised a lot of money from the sale of CO2 certificates, which is channelled into the Climate and Transformation Fund.
The majority of travel companies are in favor of greater investment and more technological solutions in order to implement sustainability initiatives faster and better. A study analyses their willingness and concerns.
How can existing buildings become more ecologically sustainable and economical at the same time through digitalization? Which technologies enable energy-efficient retrofitting in existing buildings? And what happens to stranded assets? These and other topics were discussed by experts at the 5th Smart Building Solutions Conference in Aachen.
Despite being one the fastest growing sectors, accounting for one in 10 jobs globally and contributing 10.4% of global GDP in 2019, Travel & Tourism’s water usage ranged between 3.5% and 5.8% of global available freshwater, in 2021 and 2019 respectively.
When refurbishing existing buildings, more attention should be paid to the ground floor: It is the easiest place to generate revenue, also in the catering business.
Almost six million inhabitants in a very small area - that normally leaves hardly any space for nature. Not so in Singapore: here, thanks to high-tech and meticulous urban planning, everything is green and flourishing - vertically, of course. By 2030, the metropolis wants to reach even higher.