Kempinski, capital, climate and consumers
Dear Insider,
Next week the GMs of Kempinski will meet in Istanbul. There, the new Group CEO Barbara Muckermann will introduce herself and her far-reaching plans. In conversation with me, she described the rough framework: The luxury hotel group is to shrink by around a third of the hotels, dull 5-star hotels will be weeded out and only ultra-luxury gems will survive. Residences will be reduced, the management company should become asset-heavy. So again upheaval, again uncertainty. Why is the former cruise manager presenting such a dramatic change in strategy after just eight months in office? The shareholders from Bahrain have allegedly approved everything. But what do they really want to achieve? Perhaps peppering the management company with trophy assets, then selling the real estate at a high price and leaving the operator standing? I did a lot of research.
The world apparently only knows extremes and disruption: first smash all the china, then build on the broken pieces. This is also the approach of the Trump administration. It does not want any "climate assets" or green financing. And warns the largest banks in the US not to resist. BlackRock is still holding out. However, European banks could also find themselves in a quandary. ... More
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News Mix overview
The mixed political situation is clouding the prospects of the young generation in Germany - from the end of the coalition in their own country to Trump's impact on world affairs. The biggest "pain points" from a recent pulse check.
Bei Flugausfällen geben Airlines lieber Reisegutscheine aus anstatt den Ticketpreis zu erstatten. Doch ein Urteil des Europäischen Gerichtshof zeigt: Passagiere müssen sich das nicht gefallen lassen.
On his first day in office, the new US President withdrew from the Paris climate protection agreement. Scientists fear negative effects on ecosystems and biodiversity.
The obligation to offer reusable drinks, which was introduced two years ago, is largely ignored by large catering chains. Environmental organisation Deutsche Umwelthilfe has uncovered new violations and is calling for prompt improvements from politicians.