Next level: Measure. Benchmark. Drive. Lifting sustainability from intention to traction.
The 6th HospitalityInside Think Tank (HITT) aims to build understanding and thought leadership on the biggest imperatives for change and enablers to help accelerate the industries path to net positive hospitality; “giving back to the world more than we take out”.
Augsburg/Berlin. When plants, birds or insects visibly and tangibly disappear, alarm bells should ring. When landslides bury hotels, the story of the risks has long since begun. However, the hospitality industry can take positive countermeasures right from the start to preserve nature. The wake-up call that Zanetta Sedilekova, a young climate and biodiversity risk advocate, will give at the HospitalityInside Think Tank in Berlin at the end of June hits home.
Augsburg/Berlin. Of course, it is tricky at first, a touch of panic spreads, but then you understand very quickly how the "social" in ESG can be measured. Many hoteliers do not - yet - know how to evaluate measures on diversity, equality, migration, working conditions, human rights. Malin Lindfors Speace from Sweden, our "Social" expert at the HITT Think Tank on 26/27 June in Berlin, tells you. "In a year, everyone will be doing it!" Sign up!
Augsburg/Berlin. One billion business trips were made by Siemens employees worldwide in 2019, a proof of power by this company that now wants their employees to stay only in sustainable hotels. For lack of alternatives, Siemens has now set up its own "Green Stay" criteria - in association with HRS. How much pressure can this global corporate client exert on the hotel industry? The two movers and shakers of this initiative, Eric Hofmeister from Siemens AG and Fabio Fornari, Product Manager Sustainability at HRS Group, will be asking YOUR questions at the 6th HITT Think Tank on 26/27 June in Berlin.
Augsburg/Berlin. Where are the links between the many different system worlds in sustainability, what data is already available, what gaps need to be researched anew? Sophie Herrmann thinks cross-border and has already brought many different people and companies together around one table. The partner of the transformation consultancy Systemiq will therefore give the keynote at the HITT Think Tank, which will take place in five weeks in Berlin. She has lived and worked on several continents and now only thinks and acts in a networked way. Experience this likeable Munich native and cosmopolitan, for whom the knots in the sustainability network are connecting points for solutions. The perfect encouraging introduction to the 6th HITT and its main topic Measurement on 26/27 June in Berlin.
Augsburg/Berlin. Without technology and digitalisation, the path to zero emissions cannot be achieved. The "pathway to net zero" must be measurable, the tools a motivation to continue measuring. Only data ultimately certify the success and the - positive - changes for companies and people. That is why the HospitalityInside Think Tank is concentrating very strongly on the topic of measurement this year. Florian Huber, co-founder of EYCarbon, explains how operators and investors can get a grip on its implementation. Also in this round is the lawyer Dr Felix Krieglstein from Jung Schleicher Rechtsanwälte in Berlin.
Augsburg/Berlin. In exactly one month, on 26/27 June, international movers & shakers from the sustainability scene will meet for the 6th HospitalityInside Think Tank in Berlin. The second day was almost exclusively dedicated to the topic of measurement. After the opening impulse by EYCarbon and two other experts, in the second part of this focus topic, three more critical professionals analyse the practice - and thus the large, spongy pond of sustainability certificates and measurement instruments.
Augsburg/Berlin. Covid-19 has shown it: The hospitality industry has no lobby. Not worldwide. This must not happen again in the course of climate protection policy. The solution for the climate can therefore only be: Collaboration! Teamwork! Inge Huijbrechts from the Radisson Hotel Group, Willem van der Zee from Pandox and Glenn Mandziuk from the Sustainable Hospitality Alliance will analyse the power of the industry and its pain points at the HITT Think Tank. Only three weeks to go until the HITT in Berlin! By the way, most of our 14 experts will be on board for two days - a novelty and proof of their confidence in this high-profile event.
Augsburg/Berlin. Ten more days and the HITT community will be back on board. And with it, exclusive news that Think Tank participants will be the first to hear. The latest results from the hospitality survey on changing consumer behaviour will be presented by Chairman Dr Crispian Tarrant from data researcher BVA BDRC: Baby Boomers are grabbing it, the younger ones prefer to talk about social. In addition, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Arlt will present his new "Meaningful Tourism Index Hospitality 2023" for the first time in Europe: His ranking shows which hotels have a true sustainability approach.
Unsere Hospitality-Themen der Woche.