Marketplace News & Stories

The earth is getting warmer. What should we do? Stop flying, get rid of the car? That can't be the whole answer, according to the German Ethics Council. It believes that the state has a duty first and foremost, but also every individual as well as companies and organisations.
Every year, countless tonnes of concrete are produced from demolished buildings. Recycling this is an important step. But a Swiss company has come up with an idea to help the climate even more.
Once again, the EU's planned supply chain law has failed to gain a majority among the EU member states - partly due to opposition from the German coalition. A breakthrough is probably not in sight for the time being.
Anyone who was unable to make a hotel booking due to a ban on accommodation issued in times of coronavirus is entitled to a refund of the advance payment.
The European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which has been in force since May 2018, is still causing a lot of bureaucracy in German companies six years after its introduction. According to the majority of respondents, the effort involved is disproportionate.
Savings are being made everywhere, except on holidays: 70% of Germans are planning to travel this year - whether on short trips or longer journeys. But what about sustainability when travelling and the willingness to pay more for it?
A thicket of regulations and high energy prices are preventing the rapid decarbonisation of German industry. This is making the site increasingly unattractive as a business location. Besides, public funding opportunities are not very transparent, meaning that SMEs are missing out on billions in potential subsidies.
Germany's future heirs are surprisingly generous: two thirds are in favour of donating part of their parents' estate to charity. Younger people in particular feel committed to the idea of "sharing" and show their social streak by voluntarily making a donation.
More and more people are using AI. This also increases the demands on data centres - and their electricity requirements. In the EU alone, this is increasing by 60%. However, the power networks in Europe are often over 40 years old.
Employers are calling on their employees to use AI more in their day-to-day work, but are creating too few training opportunities. Employees are generally willing to learn, some are also afraid that AI could harm them on the job.