News & Stories
Villach/Lake Ossiach. "No-cost flight to alpine wellness" is the punchy slogan on the website of the low cost carrier Hapag Lloyd-Express, and: "Exclusive to HLX customers"! The Falkensteiner Hotel Urbani at Lake Ossiach in Austria has let itself into this venture. It pays for its customers' flights.
Cologne. “Weekend lovers 2” is the name of a successful travel guide of the Cologne based Dumont Travel Publishers which has published its second edition within one year.
Augsburg. The low cost carrierer's boom continues. Single operators are disappearing from the market very quickly while others are becoming well established - with a growth rate of up to 114 per cent in passenger traffic. This is also having some effect on the regional hotel industry. This issue of hospitalityInside looks at the effects on Carinthia in Eastern Austria and on Stockholm, while next week's issue will look at the effects on Hannover and Cologne in Germany. Interestingly, foreign regions clearly seem to be profiting more than German regions.

The European Spa World tries to attract tourists by creating unusual offers.The violet body painting shows where the partners are located.
Graz. With flight credits and cross border advertisement campaigns Austria's Burgenland and Steiermark along with West Hungary and Slovenia hope to entice a more international selection of visitors into central Europe's most dense region of thermal springs and healing waters. These partners form Europe's first cross border marketing syndicate, the "European Spa World". Support from the EU is at hand.
Berlin. The figures, facts and data on tourism 2004 in Germany have been put together in a new brochure by the German Tourist Association, also available on the internet.
Las Vegas. The image of the gamblers' paradise is being changed and the Las Vegas "brand" is being strengthened. A five-year plan is in progress to make it happen.
Wiesbaden. For the whole year 2006, the Deutsche Zentrale fuer Tourismus expects an additional surge in growth of about 1.7 percent regarding general accommodations. This was announced by the head of the DZT, Petra Hedorfer, on the occasion of the international press conference of the Germany Travel Mart 2005 on May 2, in Wiesbaden.
Hanover. The travel agency TUI and Hapag-Lloyd Express have published the first catalogue in Germany for low cost package holidays for the beginning of the summer season.